What is an MLS Flat Fee Listing?
MLS® stands for Multiple Listing Service. Every home for sale listed by a REALTOR® (unless it is specifically exempted from MLS®) will be listed on MLS®. Listing REALTORS® enter the data about a home for sale and offer to share the commission with a broker who brings a buyer. Regardless of which brokerage a REALTOR® works for he or she has the same database through the Las Vegas Real Estate Board; therefore, once your home is on the MLS®, you’ve employed over thousands of Las Vegas REALTORS® to help sell your home.
These days, consumers have more than one choice in the way they sell their home. Now you can advertise your home on MLS® and realtor.com without having to employ a REALTOR® for any other services. A REALTOR® is still required to upload the listing but from there you handle the sale on your own. Essentially, you sell your home on your own while having the market exposure of MLS®.
How Buyers Found Their Home
How does it work?
With a Flat Fee MLS® package, also known as a ‘Mere Posting,’ you get the exact same powerful MLS® exposure as a ‘Full Service’ listing; however, you take on some of the work yourself including coordinating REALTOR® viewings, showing the property to perspective buyers, obtaining feedback, receiving and negotiating offers, and handling condition removal such as the inspection. Essentially what a ‘Mere Posting’ amounts to is a For Sale by Owner (FSBO) with MLS® System exposure. After the home is listed, the homeowner takes control of the selling process.